The Relationship Between Nature and Human Society

Oh, so because nature can take quantity of atoms mix it with some energy and make quality that we call a universe where atoms are indivisible and indestructible., that makes it possible for man do the same thing with manmade constructed societ?

Human nature is so much more than just atoms living indivisibly. I mean indivisible is a truly Utopian idea, and I do believe in striving for it but some people do more than strive.

This change that the institutions we are supposed to be able to trust are pushing violates the NAP. Which I'm sure might also be the point since violence usually is what really implements change. Trying to force social change through differential integration (lets call it what it really is yea) because nature took atoms and now there is a universe. Yea that doesn't reek of a God Complex at all. Like we haven't heard these concepts before with colonialism.

This concept of gradually changing human society with quantity will make a great leap into quality is not examining it from the perspective of being a man-made system in nature, not a system of nature, free will and all. Unless it is denied that we have that, at which point I would be super concerned.

I'm sure I read somewhere how you said that conservative progressives like DeSantis just want to control people . How do you think this progressive integration theory of if atoms can do it we can do it is going to cause the big change being predicted?

I would say DeSantis and this ideology are fundamentally the same. The dogma of this creation story is very interesting and really unchanging. I swear people are losing their sense of creativity when they can do it better back in biblical times than they can today and those people were less educated than we are. Sure, says a lot about our education system when we can't even get creative anymore.

I think we might be spending a little too much time into the dogma of Dialectical Materialism thinking Global hegemony is anything other than Global Domination by the Intellectual elites.


"Human nature is so much more than just atoms living indivisibly."

I agree

"I mean indivisible is a truly Utopian idea, and I do believe in striving for it but some people do more than strive."

Please elaborate a little.

"This change that the institutions we are supposed to be able to trust are pushing violates the NAP. Which I'm sure might also be the point since violence usually is what really implements change. Trying to force social change through differential integration (lets call it what it really is yea) because nature took atoms and now there is a universe. Yea that doesn't reek of a God Complex at all. Like we haven't heard these concepts before with colonialism."

What is going on here? Is the claim here that organic solidarity can't be effective, so violence is needed, or that just asserting that organic solidarity is feasible is a god claim? It seems like you would like to discuss a statement related to social change, the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP), and differential integration

""progressive integration theory of if atoms"

What is this?