Bryan Magee interviewed a number of highly influential philosophers on the BBC in 1978 and 1987. The interviews, which were each about 40 minutes long, remain relevant despite some important omissions, such as the sparsity of women philosophers.
The interviews have been criticized for being too heavy on the "canon," for not including enough non-Western or non-traditional philosophies, and for taking too high a view from an academic pedestal. However, these criticisms are largely outweighed by the interviews' strengths. Magee was a very good interviewer, and he moved things along at a brisk pace, asking precise questions and offering brief summaries to confirm his understanding. These interviews are a great way to get caught up on about 2500 years of thinking, and they are still worth watching today, even though they were conducted over 30 years ago.
All 30 interviews are available on youtube (as of April 2023), which are here converted to mp3 files for convenient listening
Transcripts of the first series can be found here
Transcripts of the second series can be found here
Supplementary MP3 file: When Magee published the book "Ultimate Questions" in 2016, on BBC3's "Arts and Ideas" Matthew Sweet and his guests (philosophers MM McCabe, Lucy O'Brien, Nigel Warburton and Constantine Sandis) discussed his legacy as a broadcaster who interpreted philosophy for a wide audience.
This sites contains MP3 versions of the interviews; video versions can be found on youtube.